Excellent New blications from the Colorado State Forest Service
Statewide Forest Resource Assessment & Strategy
Choosing a Forestry Contractor
- As a forest landowner, you might want to consider hiring a forestry contractor or consultant to provide professional guidance to help you manage your forest. Examples of professional forestry services include insect-infested tree removal, creation of a defensible space around structures and development of a management plan for your forested land. Choosing a Forestry Contractor provides some important considerations when selecting a contractor or consultant.
Mastication Operational Guidelines
- Mastication of forest biomass for wildfire hazard reduction and forest health improvement has expanded dramatically across the state; these guidelines focus on mastication techniques.
New Woody Biomass Events Page
In partnership with the Colorado’s Governors Energy Office, with funding provided by the 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, our Utilization and Marketing Program has just launched our new Governors Energy Office Partnership Project website. On the new webpage you can see upcoming woody biomass and energy educational evens that our Utilization and Marketing Program will be conducting in cooperation with the GEO for 2011.
is playing a concert in Aspen at the Wheeler Opera House on March 12. Tickets are $35.